Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Morning Person

Well, apparently I have become one of those people who goes running before sunrise. Never saw that one coming. But really, it's the only way to run outside in Phoenix right now. It's still too hot at 10:00 p.m. The low at night is just under 90 degrees, so before sunrise is the coolest time. And it wasn't so bad, watching a beautiful sunrise while I slowly jogged a very short distance. I will be happy when I can regularly run 3 miles at a time.

I started Weight Watchers again yesterday, too. I have 35 pounds to lose, but I'd even be happy with 25. I'm hoping that the running will speed up the weight loss this time around. I'm really unhappy right now. I had to buy some cheap work clothes the next size up, and my friends want to set me up on dates, but I can't meet anyone when I look like this. It feels good to be doing something about it.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

All Is Not Lost

Today was my first run since Memorial Day. It was ugly, but not quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. I only did one mile! But that was better than I expected... I was afraid I'd have to start over on Week 1, Day 1 of Couch to 5k. Hopefully I'll be able to work my way back up to 3 miles soon.

I'm going to have to adjust to running here. It can still be 100 degrees at 10:00 at night, so the best time of the day to run is right before sunrise. I hate running in the morning, but I'll just have to suck it up. It was only in the 80's when I went out this morning, but the sun felt really hot. I'm also going to have to be a lot more careful about staying hydrated.

Despite all that, I'm so glad I ran. I got really out of shape this summer, but I'm going to get back on track. I have two things to train for. Sadly, the Tinkerbell Half Marathon filled up already, but the Rock and Roll Half is here in Phoenix that same weekend, so I'm considering doing that. And in November, I'm doing the Summit Challenge with Kristin: 12 hours, 7 peaks, 26 miles.

It's good to be back!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Why Joe and Jason are the best coaches EVER.

Tonight I texted Joe and said, "Joe, I am FREAKING OUT over what to wear to the race tomorrow. (You are the only person I could text who wouldn't laugh at this.)"

My phone rang just seconds later, and just as I expected, he was not laughing at me; he understood my dilemma.

(This wasn't about vanity; this was a weather situation.)

It's weird, because Joe has only been my friend for about a year, but I feel like he GETS my anxiety more than most people do.

So he talked me through it and offered several creative solutions, and I think it's gonna be okay.

I talked to Jason earlier this week, too. I love the speech he gives me about how I'm running "Erin's race," and how important it is to ignore people around me and just do my thing. We discussed how I get into the "zone" at Mile 4, and techniques for getting there more quickly. I told him I was worried about not being able to finish, and he told me that, once I start that race, I WILL finish, because he knows me and I will crawl across that finish line if I have to. Knowing that someone has that kind of faith in me makes my heart happy; that was the sweetest thing he could have said. And he's right; even if I'm struggling, it will be sheer stubbornness that gets me across the finish line tomorrow.

I'm nervous. But thanks to Joe and Jason, I'm ready.

Name Change

I have a feeling Nancy is going to yell at me for changing the name of this blog, so I thought I'd explain.

Long story short, Bernie's ex-girlfriend looked at his phone, got my number, and called me a fat bitch and just about every variation of that. Over and over. Hours of constant texting and phone calls.

Don't worry, friends; I Urkeled the bitch, and now she leaves me alone.

But a few days after all this drama, I went on a long run, and I thought, "I may be a fat bitch, but this fat bitch can run 8 miles."

Hence the name. For now. I do plan on losing weight when I get to Phoenix, so hopefully I won't be a fat bitch forever.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Zombies, Run!

And this is why I love Pinterest.

Someone pinned a running app called Zombies, Run! I was pretty excited to add a little something different to my routine.

The way it works is it tells a story as you're running. You're in some helicopter that crashes in an area with lots of zombies, and someone at base camp is talking to you and trying to help you. As you run, you acquire materials. I haven't gotten much further than that.

It did make my run a little more interesting. You can sync it with your playlist, and the narration only happens around every other song. There was a particularly interesting moment when I was listening to "Just the Way You Are" and a voice came into my headphones yelling, "The zombies have spotted you! Run! RUN!!!"

Not sure if I'll use it every time, but I enjoyed it. And what a brilliant idea!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Things I See While Running in My Neighborhood

The kids down the street with the portable basketball hoop (one of the little boys once told me I "look very nice")

Lilac bushes

Hipster running fashions (Dude, isn't it hot running with all those dreds? Put them in a ponytail!)

The sno-cone guy from Coco (who cheers me on)

Elegant old buildings

Ducks (like Ed and Dolores) in the pond

Green grass and big old trees


Tee ball games; dads coaching their kids

The same people running (we pass each other doing laps in opposite directions; one girl waved at me today as we ran by each other)

The Night Ministry truck helping the homeless

Kids swarming all over the massive playground

Old Puerto Rican guys smoking cigarettes on the corner

Community garden plots

Art at the Peanut Gallery

People smoking pot (well, this one I smell more than I see)

Really pale people (gotta love spring in Chicago)

People of ALL different shapes and sizes getting in their workout and enjoying the weather

Friday, May 17, 2013


I stole some lilacs on my run yesterday. I felt a little guilty, but there are still plenty left for others to enjoy. I got lots of smiles from random people on my walk home. My bedroom now smells like lilacs. It was so nice to fall asleep and wake up to that this morning!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It's all in your head.

I think the most difficult part of running is the mental part.

Sure, the beginning was hard, when I was sucking air and trying to get my body used to something it had never done before. But mentally, it was easy because every run was a new accomplishment; every day I did something I’d never done before, and it was such a high.

But then, after that first race, you’re just… a runner. Every run is not a big deal. They start to blur together, and the mental challenge becomes just getting yourself out the door and finding your motivation.

And now, I’m training for this 10 mile race, which feels audacious. After 10 months of running, every run still feels audacious. Like, who do I think I am to even try to accomplish this? There is so much anxiety in me during those first few steps I take. I have no idea how each run is going to go or if I’m going to make it.

I have found that 4 miles is a magic number for me. Once I make it past 4 miles, the anxiety goes away and my mind starts to wander to things other than running. In fact, on my 8 mile run the other day, I almost ran into traffic because I was lost in my own world.

But I digress. The point is, there is still this fear in me that I can’t do it. That all of my successful runs were just anomalies. And every once in a while, I’ll have a really bad run that reinforces this belief.

A few weeks ago, my sinuses were really bothering me. I breathe through my nose when I run, so this caused some problems. I made it 3 miles on one run and almost passed out. I was literally seeing spots, and it felt like all the blood was rushing to my head. When I got home, it took over an hour for my color to return back to normal. I think I wasn’t getting enough oxygen.

I wasn’t too upset. I had still finished my run as scheduled, and I knew why it was so hard. No big deal.

But then Saturday came around, and I had to do 7 miles for my long run. I made it 2. Same problem as before, but this time I didn’t push myself any further; I listened to my body.

I was incredibly discouraged. I felt like crying. I was frustrated with my body and worried that this meant I’m not really a runner and wouldn’t be ready for the race. But as I was walking home in total shame, I thought, “This is the true test. The obstacle I need to overcome isn’t distance; it’s my attitude. I need to stop being so hard on myself, realize that there are going to be bad days, and try again tomorrow.”

So I did. And I only made it two miles the next day, too.

Oh man, was it hard to not give in to that sense of failure. I had to keep looking at my inspirational quotes on Pinterest and telling myself that things would get better, I shouldn’t give up, and the most important thing is to listen to my body and do what feels right.

Again, I told myself, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”

I took a rest day, and by Tuesday, my sinuses were clearing up. I had also just made the decision to end things with Bernie, and there is no better motivation for running than heartbreak. I went out with the goal of 3 miles, but planned on going further if it felt good. I ended up doing 5.5 miles, and the only reasons for stopping were that I was super late for small group, and even though it felt good at the time, I knew I shouldn’t push myself too far.

This was such a victory for me. Not that I was able to run over 5 miles, but that I didn’t give in to the discouragement and frustration and anxiety. When I felt like this last fall, I was ready to give up and not run the 5k. This time was still difficult, but I stayed calm and just kept telling myself, “It’s not the end of the world. You’ll try again tomorrow.”

Running truly is one of the greatest emotional challenges I’ve ever taken on. And not only can I see how I’m getting better as a runner, but I can see my emotional growth, too.

The benefits of running are endless. Seriously, everyone in the world should be doing this. J

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Get to Run

When I first started running, I looked forward to it all day. I hated my life during the run, but felt so good after. Running was my priority. I was so happy.

I lost that over the winter. I stayed strong through December, and I really think running is what got me through my December depression. But the next several months were just hard! I was sick, and the weather sucked, and I just didn't feel like it.

Not running regularly was like a downward spiral. First, there was the constant guilty feeling for not running. Then I started gaining weight and have had many days where I look at myself and say, "You are too fat to leave the house." Then, when I did run, I wasn't able to go very far, and I'd tell myself over and over how much I sucked for only being able to run like, 2 miles at a time. I didn't feel good after a run; I just felt discouraged. I ran because I felt like I had to.

(And yes, I know how unhealthy this all is. My friend has already recommended a therapist to me in Phoenix.)

But I've turned a corner, and now I'm back to where I was last fall. The other day I caught myself looking at the clock, counting down the hours till I could run. I race home from work, change clothes, and am out the door again without even sitting down. The first mile always sucks, but then I'm in my own world and the time flies by. I detest rest days; I feel lazy and guilty and want to be outside. (Although, now that I think about it, I could always, you know, go for a walk or something...) Anyway, I wake up thinking, "I get to run today," and it makes me so happy.

I don't know if it's the sunshine, or the race I'm training for, or just the fact that I'm getting back to where I was before my slump, but I've fallen in love with running all over again.

P.S. My short run this week was 3 miles, and I did it almost two minutes faster than I ever have before. With a sinus infection. Hell yeah!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Amazing Running Website!!

I just found this on Pinterest and can't wait to play around with it more.


You put in your pace, and it tells you songs that match it.

I'm not sure how accurate it is; I looked up "North Side Gal" (which is on my running playlist) and it said 8:00, and I'm obviously nowhere near that. And for the pace I put in, it recommended "Tongue Tied," which is one of my favorite hiking songs, but too slow for running.

But whatever- it looks awesome. It has tons of music ideas from all genres. My running playlist was getting a little stale, so this is just what I needed!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Soldier Field 10 Mile

Last week, my friend told me that she is doing the Soldier Field 10 Mile. I had completely forgotten about this race until she mentioned it. Last year, one of my coworkers was training for this race, and I just remember being awed by our conversations about his training. Honestly, I never even had thoughts like, "I wish I could do that," because running was never even a possibility to me. I just thought that what he was doing was so cool.

Well, here we are, a year later, and everything has changed. And my friend mentioned this race, and it actually IS a possibility. Yesterday I ran 6 miles pretty easily, and I still have four weeks till the race. I can totally do this. So I signed up this morning.

Now that I'm back up to decent mileage, I was feeling kind of directionless. This gives me structure and a goal.

I also think it will be a nice way to end my time in Chicago- on the 50-yard line of Soldier Field.

I can't wait!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Good Week

I just realized the last time I blogged was about 6 pack abs... Of course, I do not have a 6 pack. However, I only stuck it out for three weeks... Who knows, maybe if I'd finished up the last week, I'd have a perfect 6 pack? I somehow doubt it. I was actually thinking of taking a picture of my stomach next to the cute little 6 pack calendar to submit to the Pinterest Fail blog...

I finally had a good running week. I ran 2 miles on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. I did a 5 mile hike at the dunes yesterday, so I felt good about that, too. For the first few days, 2 miles was a struggle. I was frustrated and embarrassed about this, but I knew my body would tell me when I was ready for more. On Friday's run, I had enough energy left to run as fast as I could for the last .25 mile. And today, when I hit 2 miles, I felt like I was just getting into my groove and added an extra half mile. So this week I'll up it to 3 miles each day. It's hard because I'm really struggling with motivation. Still. I'm just kind of bored.

It definitely helps that the weather is perfect for running. I love seeing people out on their bikes and the playground filled with kids. Only problem is that I can't yell out, "But a bitch ain't one!" with all these people around.

Final thought: is it bad that I felt good about myself for passing up a man in a motorized wheelchair today? To be fair, he was going pretty fast...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

6 Pack Abs

Nancy asked about the 6 Pack Ab Challenge I'm doing this month, so I thought I'd share it...

One week in, and I am feeling slightly skeptical of this promise of a 6 Pack in just a few more weeks. But why not? It can't hurt.

Or can it? Actually, I found out recently that I have diastasis, which is where your abdominal muscles don't come back together after having a baby, making it very difficult to lose fat in this area. Ew. I would just like to say, I do not recommend teen pregnancy to anyone. No one warned me about stretch marks or diastasis or any of the other horrific things that happen to your body when you're pregnant. As an adult, you have friends who have been through it, and you do your research. As an 18 year-old, all I had were episodes of "A Baby Story" on TLC. No joke, when I asked my doctor if I should, you know, go to a birthing class or something, she said, "If you're going to get an epidural, watch a few episodes of A Baby Story and you'll be fine." Ha! A lot of good that did me when the anesthesiologist got stuck in heart surgery and I had a 9.5 pound baby with absolutely NOTHING for the pain!

Anyway, I digress. I actually had to look back to see what I was writing about before that rant... Sit-ups actually make diastasis worse. So I probably should be doing the therapeutic exercises that are recommended to treat it... But those are stupid and don't feel like I'm doing anything. So I'll stick with this plan and see how things are looking at the end of the month.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Trying to Find My Motivation

I went running today! I looked forward to it all day. It was brutal, but I did it.

I knew I'd pretty much be starting from scratch. The last time I went running was over two weeks ago, and it was less than 2 miles because I was getting sick. This may sound weird, but I kinda love how I've learned to listen to my body... I felt fine that day, but as soon as I started running, my body was like, "Nope, not happening, busy dealing with other stuff," and I started getting sick the next day.

Anyway, I heard Tom Skilling say something like it's snowed 28 of the past 34 days, so between that and being sick three times since New Years, running just hasn't happened. But spring is just around the corner. And I HAVE to do some training to prep for Smoky Mountain hiking.

So here's my plan. This week- four 2 miles runs just to get my body used to it again. Next week- Week 1 of half marathon training. Goal: Thelma and Louise Half Marathon in Moab, UT on June 1. If the Disney Princess can't be my first, then I want it to be the next best place- my beautiful desert. The only thing that sucks about this is that, if I'm in Utah, there's no one to run it with me. And it's women only. But I told Jason he should meet me in Moab and jump in and do a few miles with me. My super slow pace would give him ample opportunity to check out the cute runner girls, and then we could go hit some canyons afterwards.

So anyway, that's the latest with the running. I'm still bored and unmotivated, but I already feel better about life. It was a good run, except for when I realized I forgot my tissues, so I tried to blow a snot rocket and FAILED. Gross.

Oh, and I'm also doing this March Ab Challenge that has different ab exercises you do each day. I am going to look so hot by the end of this month! :)

Monday, February 18, 2013


I've been really struggling with motivation since Christmas.

Part of it is that it seems like the universe doesn't want me to run. On days when the weather is decent, there's something going on and I can't run. And on the days I could run, it's snowy or icy or windy. (Notice I am not using cold as an excuse; that doesn't bother me.)

On top of the weather, I've been sick. I was sick that week after New Year's in Phoenix. I got better, but the congestion lingered, and that turned into a sinus infection a few weeks ago. I wasn't feeing well yesterday, but I blamed it on the late night on Saturday. But I wasn't feeling great today, and as soon as I went running, I knew it was a bad idea. The first mile was rough, but that's not unusual. But after 1.5 miles, I was dizzy and not breathing right and had to stop. And sure enough, a few hours later, I feel myself getting sick. Which is totally my fault, because I didn't take the antibiotics the way I was supposed to, and then I didn't bother to finish them... Bad idea. Amanda is coming this weekend; I ain't got time to bleed.

Anyway, I'm just really discouraged and unmotivated. I barely ran for like, 3 weeks, so it took a few runs for me to get back into it. I did 4 miles on Wednesday and it felt great; I could've gone forever. But my attempt at 5 miles today was a fail, and now I'm worried that I'm getting behind in my training schedule. Plus, I'm just kind of bored. That's the problem with us ENFP's... Once we figure out we can do something, it's no longer exciting. Maybe I need a new playlist, or a change of scenery... I don't know. I'm just not in the mood to run, even when I'm healthy.

Hopefully I won't get too sick and can still fit in a few runs this week before Amanda gets here.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I smelled spring today while I was out running.

It was just the faintest whiff for the briefest moment, but it was there.

There were other signs, too- a bunny, a beautiful sunset at a later hour... The days are getting longer. And I know we've still got some winter left, but I think spring is just around the corner. (This always reminds me of the Frog and Toad books, where Toad takes this phrase literally and keeps looking for spring around corners.)

Today's run was one of those really great runs where you find your rhythm and just don't want to stop. I would've done more than 4 miles if I had the time! I think I'm finally back in the groove after my hiatus. It helps to have something to train for- I'm in Week 2 of half marathon training. I think I need that structure. Oh, and speaking of things I need, I really need some new music for my playlist! I think that's causing some of the motivation problems.

Anyway, I am excited for spring. Temps in the 40's is my favorite running weather!

Monday, February 11, 2013


I haven't written in forever because I've been terrible about running.  I was good for a few weeks after FreezeFest, when I had my 10 mile run, but then things went downhill.  It's not because I haven't wanted to run; it just seems like the universe is conspiring against me.  I was sick, and there have been a lot of days where it's just been too icy or snowy.  I'll run in the cold (I ran in a 0 degree wind chill a few weeks ago!), but not when it's slippery. 

I wasn't too worried, because the half marathon I'm planning on running (the one at U of I in Champaign) isn't until the end of April.  But I looked at the calendar today and realized I'm two weeks behind schedule!  So training starts again this week.  I just need to find a way to get it done.  There are going to be some scheduling challenges for sure (people visiting on weekends, being gone for 1o days for spring break), but I'm going to make it happen.  I am determined to run my first half marathon by the end of the school year!

Also, I feel like a huge hypocrite.  I tend to get pretty excited about the things I love (Jesus, canyoneering, running, etc.) and I want everyone else to experience these awesome things.  So I've been trying to talk everyone into running, and I now have two coworkers starting the Couch 2 5K program.  It's so much fun to check in with them on their progress!  My friend Paula is also doing the Couch 2 5K, and this was a big week for her- the week where you all of a sudden jump to 20 minutes of running.  Like me, she was skeptical.  And I found myself in Joe's place- encouraging her, checking in with her, and letting her know that anything better than her last time would be a win.  (Except I was nicer than Joe.  Of course, I was more of a pain in the ass about it than Paula was...)  I was so excited to get a text from her this morning saying that she did it, and it wasn't as bad as she thought! 

I have another friend in my small group who also just started running.  I love listening to her talk about her experiences so far; she always thought it was something she could never do because of her bad knees.  We were talking about how we love how inclusive running is. I have never felt judged by anyone for my terrible pace.  (Well, except the organizers of the Chicago Get Lucky Half Marathon, who decided on a course time limit that's too short for me.)  My friend was saying how she can't believe how helpful and encouraging everyone is, and I've had the same experience.  And it's funny, because now that I've been running for a few months, I find myself trying to get other people involved in it and wanting to help them the way my friends helped me.  I love being part of this club, even if I do feel like an imposter a lot of the time.  Maybe after my first Half, I'll feel legit.  Either way, I love the attitude that most runners seem to have, and I want to convert all my friends! 

Inspiration to get me out of my slump:

Monday, January 21, 2013

So, um, sometimes I can be a little dramatic...

At first, the whole "too slow for the half marathon" thing didn't bother me. I meant what I wrote in my last blog post.

And then Pete and I were texting, and I told him about it, and he was like, "Seriously? You're THAT slow? I thought you were a real runner... You're like one of those old people doing laps at the mall."

And then I went for what was supposed to be a 4 mile run, but I was really struggling and going so slow, and this girl gave me a judgmental look, so I stopped after 2 and sat on my couch and decided I was done with "running."

I was still upset the next day. Pete and I had another conversation in which he supported my decision and suggested I try P90X instead. I bought diet food when I went grocery shopping and told Kristin I was just going to diet.

"That's fine, but is that why you were running in the first place?"

She had a point. Losing weight was never my reason for running.

My original reason for running- staying in shape for canyoneering- ended up not paying off. I don't think I was in any better shape than I was this summer.

But somewhere along the way, my reason for running changed. I wasn't thinking about canyoneering or losing weight; I was just thinking about how good it made me feel.

I was serious about quitting running for a few days. But yesterday, I REALLY wanted to go for a run. I couldn't stop thinking about it today. I'm so mad that the weather is so ridiculously cold; now I'm going to have to wait till Wednesday to run. I see snow in the forecast, so I'm crossing my fingers that I'm still able to run.

This latest little crisis has taught me a few things:

1. I don't think I could quit running, even if I wanted to. I have an addictive personality; apparently I can now add running to my list of addictions.

2. There are going to be some runs that just totally suck, and I need to just get over it and try again the next day rather than overreacting.

3. I was reminded of the incredible support system I have in my life. I have such encouraging friends who offer everything from tough love ("STOP LETTING STUPID BOYS MAKE YOUR DECISIONS FOR YOU!") to sweet words to name calling ("You are a runner, penis head!") to threats. ("If you don't snap out of this, I'm calling Joe!")

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


My friend Anne and I were planning on running the Chicago Get Lucky half-marathon in March.

Here is why Anne is awesome. An email from her this morning contained the following quote:

"Dear half-marathon, in the wise words of Rihanna, 'Imma make you my bitch and it ain't even my birthday.'"

I didn't want to register for the race until I was sure I could do it. After my 10 miles the other night, I felt confident I could do 13 miles by March.

So tonight I went on the race website and saw that there is a 3 hour limit.

It took me 2:26 to run those 10 miles. I'm not going to finish a half marathon in under 3 hours.

Now, I honestly don't care about my pace. Yes, I know I'm more of a slow jogger than an actual runner. But it doesn't bother me... The point is, I got it done. And actually, I'm impressed with myself that I can jog for two and a half hours!

Also, this is only my pace for long runs. Today's 3 mile run, for example, had an average pace of 13:19. I've even had a few runs where my pace was around 12:30. But if I'm going a long distance, I'm going slow. There's no way my pace is going to increase that drastically in 8 weeks. So, no half marathon for me... :(

I am scheduled to run 13 miles Valentine's weekend. So that will just be my own private little half marathon.

And I don't care if I suck. I'm still going to keep running. Actually, jogging.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

10 Miles

I was looking forward to FreezeFest because Jason and I needed to have an in-depth conversation about my running goals.

I won't go into what those goals are, but I was not expecting his reaction.  After I went on and on about my options, and what if this and what if that and how should I do this, he said, "I don't like it."

"What??? I  thought you'd be encouraging this!"

"You have too much stress and anxiety.  You're putting too much pressure on yourself.  I don't want you running because you're following some schedule and scared to miss a day.  I want you running because you love it.  If this becomes an obligation, or if you can't keep up with the training, I'm afraid you're going to give up on running." 

I think he is both right and wrong.  My goals are ambitious, and it is entirely possible that I won't meet them and will get discouraged. But I'm going to keep my goals, and try to remain realistic.  And if it's not fun, I'll stop. 

Yesterday was fun. 

My training schedule had me running 5 miles.  There was anxiety going into yesterday's run for several reasons:

1. I didn't run during my vacation and wasn't sure how that would affect me.

2. I was behind a day; I was supposed to do that run over the weekend, but there was an ice situation.

3. My long run for the following weekend is 9 miles, and that was a really scary number for me since I'd never gone more than 7. 

I started running.  It was cold (18 degrees by the time I finished) and I was going slow.  But around Mile 3, it just felt so good.  I found a rhythm and didn't want to stop.  I started to consider doing more than 5 miles.  I thought, "What if I just go for it and do the 9 today?  That way it won't be stressing me out all week."  This felt audacious, especially considering I hadn't had any water all day (stupid Diet Coke), and my pre-run snack was some Cheetos.  But I thought, who cares, I'm just going to run until it doesn't feel good anymore.  If I can't do 9 today, I can try again this weekend.  I imagined I was Maniac Magee and ran and ran.

As I passed Mile 7, I started to grin.  This was unfamiliar territory.

At Mile 8, I thought, "You know, if I'm going to do 9, I might as well do 10.  That's a nice round number."

At Mile 8.5, my knee started to hurt and I thought, "Okay, I'm over this." But I was so close, I had to finish. 

And with Mumford and Sons as my accompaniment, I did finish.  With a huge smile on my face. 

I immediately called Jason, before I even got back in my apartment.  He was in his kayak on a lake in the Superstitions. (Jealous!!!)

"Jason!!!  I just ran 10 miles!!!"

"Hell yeah!"

"And I did it because it just felt so good to run."

"Good job!  I'm so proud of you!"

We're not going to talk about my time.  It was truly awful.  (Although, being so slow, I am impressed that I was able to run for so long!)  I honestly don't care about my time.  All I care about is getting those miles done.

It was a really amazing moment.  I am starting to feel legit.

I never thought I'd say this, but I f-ing love running.