Monday, February 18, 2013


I've been really struggling with motivation since Christmas.

Part of it is that it seems like the universe doesn't want me to run. On days when the weather is decent, there's something going on and I can't run. And on the days I could run, it's snowy or icy or windy. (Notice I am not using cold as an excuse; that doesn't bother me.)

On top of the weather, I've been sick. I was sick that week after New Year's in Phoenix. I got better, but the congestion lingered, and that turned into a sinus infection a few weeks ago. I wasn't feeing well yesterday, but I blamed it on the late night on Saturday. But I wasn't feeling great today, and as soon as I went running, I knew it was a bad idea. The first mile was rough, but that's not unusual. But after 1.5 miles, I was dizzy and not breathing right and had to stop. And sure enough, a few hours later, I feel myself getting sick. Which is totally my fault, because I didn't take the antibiotics the way I was supposed to, and then I didn't bother to finish them... Bad idea. Amanda is coming this weekend; I ain't got time to bleed.

Anyway, I'm just really discouraged and unmotivated. I barely ran for like, 3 weeks, so it took a few runs for me to get back into it. I did 4 miles on Wednesday and it felt great; I could've gone forever. But my attempt at 5 miles today was a fail, and now I'm worried that I'm getting behind in my training schedule. Plus, I'm just kind of bored. That's the problem with us ENFP's... Once we figure out we can do something, it's no longer exciting. Maybe I need a new playlist, or a change of scenery... I don't know. I'm just not in the mood to run, even when I'm healthy.

Hopefully I won't get too sick and can still fit in a few runs this week before Amanda gets here.

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