Thursday, March 7, 2013

6 Pack Abs

Nancy asked about the 6 Pack Ab Challenge I'm doing this month, so I thought I'd share it...

One week in, and I am feeling slightly skeptical of this promise of a 6 Pack in just a few more weeks. But why not? It can't hurt.

Or can it? Actually, I found out recently that I have diastasis, which is where your abdominal muscles don't come back together after having a baby, making it very difficult to lose fat in this area. Ew. I would just like to say, I do not recommend teen pregnancy to anyone. No one warned me about stretch marks or diastasis or any of the other horrific things that happen to your body when you're pregnant. As an adult, you have friends who have been through it, and you do your research. As an 18 year-old, all I had were episodes of "A Baby Story" on TLC. No joke, when I asked my doctor if I should, you know, go to a birthing class or something, she said, "If you're going to get an epidural, watch a few episodes of A Baby Story and you'll be fine." Ha! A lot of good that did me when the anesthesiologist got stuck in heart surgery and I had a 9.5 pound baby with absolutely NOTHING for the pain!

Anyway, I digress. I actually had to look back to see what I was writing about before that rant... Sit-ups actually make diastasis worse. So I probably should be doing the therapeutic exercises that are recommended to treat it... But those are stupid and don't feel like I'm doing anything. So I'll stick with this plan and see how things are looking at the end of the month.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Trying to Find My Motivation

I went running today! I looked forward to it all day. It was brutal, but I did it.

I knew I'd pretty much be starting from scratch. The last time I went running was over two weeks ago, and it was less than 2 miles because I was getting sick. This may sound weird, but I kinda love how I've learned to listen to my body... I felt fine that day, but as soon as I started running, my body was like, "Nope, not happening, busy dealing with other stuff," and I started getting sick the next day.

Anyway, I heard Tom Skilling say something like it's snowed 28 of the past 34 days, so between that and being sick three times since New Years, running just hasn't happened. But spring is just around the corner. And I HAVE to do some training to prep for Smoky Mountain hiking.

So here's my plan. This week- four 2 miles runs just to get my body used to it again. Next week- Week 1 of half marathon training. Goal: Thelma and Louise Half Marathon in Moab, UT on June 1. If the Disney Princess can't be my first, then I want it to be the next best place- my beautiful desert. The only thing that sucks about this is that, if I'm in Utah, there's no one to run it with me. And it's women only. But I told Jason he should meet me in Moab and jump in and do a few miles with me. My super slow pace would give him ample opportunity to check out the cute runner girls, and then we could go hit some canyons afterwards.

So anyway, that's the latest with the running. I'm still bored and unmotivated, but I already feel better about life. It was a good run, except for when I realized I forgot my tissues, so I tried to blow a snot rocket and FAILED. Gross.

Oh, and I'm also doing this March Ab Challenge that has different ab exercises you do each day. I am going to look so hot by the end of this month! :)