Monday, January 21, 2013

So, um, sometimes I can be a little dramatic...

At first, the whole "too slow for the half marathon" thing didn't bother me. I meant what I wrote in my last blog post.

And then Pete and I were texting, and I told him about it, and he was like, "Seriously? You're THAT slow? I thought you were a real runner... You're like one of those old people doing laps at the mall."

And then I went for what was supposed to be a 4 mile run, but I was really struggling and going so slow, and this girl gave me a judgmental look, so I stopped after 2 and sat on my couch and decided I was done with "running."

I was still upset the next day. Pete and I had another conversation in which he supported my decision and suggested I try P90X instead. I bought diet food when I went grocery shopping and told Kristin I was just going to diet.

"That's fine, but is that why you were running in the first place?"

She had a point. Losing weight was never my reason for running.

My original reason for running- staying in shape for canyoneering- ended up not paying off. I don't think I was in any better shape than I was this summer.

But somewhere along the way, my reason for running changed. I wasn't thinking about canyoneering or losing weight; I was just thinking about how good it made me feel.

I was serious about quitting running for a few days. But yesterday, I REALLY wanted to go for a run. I couldn't stop thinking about it today. I'm so mad that the weather is so ridiculously cold; now I'm going to have to wait till Wednesday to run. I see snow in the forecast, so I'm crossing my fingers that I'm still able to run.

This latest little crisis has taught me a few things:

1. I don't think I could quit running, even if I wanted to. I have an addictive personality; apparently I can now add running to my list of addictions.

2. There are going to be some runs that just totally suck, and I need to just get over it and try again the next day rather than overreacting.

3. I was reminded of the incredible support system I have in my life. I have such encouraging friends who offer everything from tough love ("STOP LETTING STUPID BOYS MAKE YOUR DECISIONS FOR YOU!") to sweet words to name calling ("You are a runner, penis head!") to threats. ("If you don't snap out of this, I'm calling Joe!")


  1. can you just please grow a pair and cut this jerk out of your life? seriously.

    pete is a waste of space and he has nothing of value to add to your life, except try to tear you down and play mind games.

    is he running? is he doing anything to benefit himself?

    don't talk to non-runners about running, because they won't get it.

    you are getting stronger. you are building endurance. you are releasing your anxiety.

  2. I completely agree with Fancy.
