Friday, November 9, 2012

ENFP Strikes Again

My former small group leader was a psychology major and had us all take theMeyers-Briggs Personality Test.  It was actually a really valuable experience.  Reading about my friends' personality types helped me understand how they function and how to relate to them better.

Most of what I read about ENFP's seemed to fit my personality.  The part that stuck out the most was my inability to follow through.  The description warns that I get very excited over new projects, but often don't finish.  Looking around my living room, I see three things that prove this: 15 half-finished Christmas ornaments laying on the coffee table, a half-finished cross-stitch (I got bored with the ornaments and needed a break), and two pictures hanging on the wall with a big gap in the middle because I never got around to ordering the third print.  Oh wait, there are four things... I got curtains for my window, and I had trouble screwing in the thingies that hold them back, but I got frustrated  and figured I'd just leave them uneven for a few hours.  That was 6 weeks ago.

Something I read said that it's about the challenge, that once ENFP's figure out they can do something, they're over it.  For example, when I go rock climbing, I rarely make it all the way to the top.  I get close, see what I need to do to finish it, and say, "Eh, I'm over this."

I'm worried running is going to be the same way.  What kept me going for the past 6 weeks was the question of whether or not I could do it.  When I had to jump from a 5 minute run to a 20 minute run, I was terrified.  It was anxiety and determination that got me out there every day.  But now, I'm running 25 minutes every time I run.  I even skipped a week in the Couch to 5k program (which Nina said NOT to do, so I hope I don't regret it!) because it seemed too easy.  It's not that running has become too easy; I'm still super slow and struggle with the 25 minutes.  But now I know that I CAN do it; I have no doubt that I'll be able to run a 5k eventually.  So all of a sudden it's not interesting anymore, just one more chore.  The past couple days, I've had a really difficult time getting myself out there.

I hope I can stay strong and follow through with this.

I also registered for my first 5k.  I am super nervous.  Everything people tell me just scares me more!  Like tonight Margaret was trying to reassure me that I wouldn't be the last to finish (something I worry about a lot).  She told me that lots of people walk the whole thing together.  In fact, a lot of people link arms and walk, making it difficult for runners to get by.  So now I'm worried about that.  There are no obstacles on my neighborhood runs!

So now I don't know if:

1. I am motivated enough to keep running.

2.  I am brave enough to run this race.

I need to suck it up and get on Pinterest and look at all the inspirational running stuff.  

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